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6 Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that occurs in the most unsuspecting ways. The common causes of tooth sensitivity can range from exposed dentin and teeth grinding to your choice of food, and several other factors.

Whether you have tooth sensitivity or know someone with it, understanding how tooth sensitivity is caused will be invaluable in finding a solution.

This article contains all you need to know about the causes of tooth sensitivity. It’ll also answer some burning questions you and others have about this bothersome condition.

But before we begin: you should keep in mind that there’s a lot more to tooth sensitivity than just its causes. To learn more, you should check out our article explaining what tooth sensitivity is. 

Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
1 Aggressive Tooth Maintenance
2 Mediocre Toothbrush
3 Receding Gums
4 Medical Conditions
5 Lifestyle Choices
6 Dental Procedures

1. Aggressive Tooth Maintenance

Your oral health is an integral part of your overall well-being. To maintain this oral health, you obviously need to brush your teeth every day. That much is common sense.

But do you know that brushing can lead to tooth sensitivity? While brushing your teeth is good for your oral health, you should note that using too much force will do you more harm than good.

In fact, when you overzealously brush your teeth, the excessive force can wear down your tooth enamel. The enamel is the protective outer layer of your teeth, and when it’s worn down, a host of problems, including tooth sensitivity, follow.

2. Mediocre Toothbrush

The importance of toothbrushes in oral health cannot be overemphasized. These useful tools are designed to control plaque in the day-to-day dental care of both adults and children.

But to achieve optimal and sustainable results, you need to choose your toothbrush carefully. To this end, you have two choices: a soft-bristled toothbrush and a hard-bristled one.

Hard toothbrush bristles can negatively affect dentin sensitivity and cause trauma to soft tissues. In other words, using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear the enamel and cause gum recession, which will ultimately lead to tooth sensitivity.

Pro Tip: A soft-bristled toothbrush is a healthier and safer choice for people looking to prevent tooth sensitivity.

Ultra-soft bristles are recommended for patients with dentinal hypersensitivity. However, studies have shown that about 95% of toothbrushes on sale have lower-than-standard bristles.

3. Receding Gums

This is one of the major causes of tooth sensitivity. Receding gums or gum recession refers to when gum tissues pull back from the teeth. Such recession exposes the root of the teeth, strips away the enamel covering, and ultimately results in teeth sensitivity.

To add, an unprotected tooth exposes the soft dentin under it. This dentin contains tiny holes that can reach the nerve at the center of the tooth. If these holes are exposed to things like hot, cold, or sugary foods, they can trigger sensitivity or even pain.

But what exactly causes gum recession? Gum disease is one leading cause. This condition is caused by plaque, a sticky speck of bacteria built on and around the teeth. When plaque is not quickly removed, it can cause your teeth to bleed and your gums to recede.

Another point to note is that aggressively brushing your teeth beyond what your dentist requires can lead to gum recession.

4. Medical Conditions

Medical conditions like bulimia nervosa or gastro-oesophageal reflux (GERD) can expose your teeth to the eroding effects of gastric acid. More often than not, this will cause teeth sensitivity. 

Additionally, congenital teeth problems like enamel hypoplasia—where the enamel doesn’t properly develop—can cause tooth sensitivity. Furthermore, gum disease (also called periodontal disease) is a common medical condition contributing to tooth sensitivity.

Finally, inflamed gum tissue may also cause tooth sensitivity and pain. This is often characterized by a build-up of bacteria, plaque, or tartar on tooth surfaces.

5. Lifestyle Choices

An individual’s lifestyle is the set of activities they engage in – from food choices to sleep patterns, routines, and other habits.

One habit that leads to tooth sensitivity is grinding or clenching the teeth. Teeth grinding or teeth clenching has the possible effect of wearing down the enamel. This can expose the tooth dentin and lead to tooth sensitivity.

Another lifestyle choice is the type of food you consume. Sweet or acidic foods and drinks have been identified to cause enamel erosion. As such, consistent consumption of foods with concentrated acid content can cause tooth sensitivity.

Whitening or bleaching your teeth is another lifestyle choice that can cause tooth sensitivity. The reason is that teeth whitening is done with methods that wear off the enamel.

Pro Tip: It’s not uncommon for your teeth to become sensitive after filing. To learn more, before making a lifestyle decision like tooth bleaching or teeth filing, it’s important to first consult a medically certified dentist. You can book an online appointment with our team for medical advice on the right lifestyle choices for your teeth.

6. Recent Dental Procedures and Teeth Products

People who undergo dental procedures like dental cleaning, fillings, and dental restoration placements are likely to experience teeth sensitivity. But luckily, sensitivity induced by dental procedures is usually temporary, and likely to span for about four to six weeks.

You should also note that some over-the-counter (OTC) mouthwashes can cause and worsen tooth sensitivity if your dentin is exposed. This is because they contain acid that can further damage the exposed dentin.

So, if and when you require it, you should ask your dentist to help you determine the right dental procedure or recommend the right mouthwash.

FAQs About the Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

  1. Can Age Contribute to Tooth Sensitivity? Yes, age can play a part in tooth sensitivity. People between the ages of 25 and 30 are highly susceptible to developing tooth sensitivity. Gum recession and tooth wear—both of which cause tooth sensitivity—are common as people grow older. Additionally, congenital dental issues like enamel hypoplasia can make young children susceptible to tooth sensitivity.
  2. Can My Brushing Technique Cause Tooth Sensitivity? Yes, the way you brush can indeed lead to tooth sensitivity. Research has shown that the direction and intensity of your tooth-brushing movement can affect the sensitivity of your teeth.
  3. Can Wine Cause Tooth Sensitivity? Sweet or acidic foods and drinks are highly likely to cause tooth sensitivity. As such, wine, ice cream, tomatoes, and other foods possessing acidic content are capable of making your teeth become hypersensitive.
  4. That said, simply staying away from these edibles isn’t always enough to avoid sensitivity.
  5. Can Sensitive Teeth Mean I Have an Infection? Not necessarily. While tooth sensitivity can sometimes be a sign of an infection, it can also be a symptom of other dental issues. You’ll experience sensitivity if you have cracked teeth, gum recession, and tooth erosion. If you suspect an infection, be sure to reach out to a certified dentist.
  6. Do I Need Treatment to Cure My Tooth Sensitivity? It depends. While some people might experience tooth sensitivity for only a couple of weeks, others might experience it for longer. If the sensitivity persists for an extended period, then you might need treatment or advice. In which case, you’d have to contact a professional.

Contact Experienced Dentists for Help

Teeth sensitivity is not life-threatening, but it can be uncomfortable. If you or someone you know has hypersensitive teeth, you can remedy the situation by seeking professional help.

At DentSpa, our aim is to enhance not only your teeth but also your overall well-being. Our certified dental practitioners have dedicated their skills, experience, and state-of-the-art dental technology to this goal.

If you need help with tooth sensitivity, we can provide you with proper examination, medical advice, and a solid medical plan.

Book a free online consultation, schedule a visit, or simply send us a message on WhatsApp.

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