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Crooked Teeth: Causes, Its Influence and Treatment Options

Do you ever look at somebody with straight teeth and realize how fortunate they are to have such a beautiful smile? We get you. A person’s smile is vital to their personality, and having twisted, overlapped, or crooked teeth can substantially impact their confidence. If you have crooked teeth, there is some good news: with dental treatment at Dentspa, Turkey, you can correct your teeth and achieve the flawless smile you have always desired. But before we get into how you can acquire straighter teeth, let us first examine the causes of crooked teeth and the influence they can have on us.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

If you have misaligned teeth, you are not alone. This condition is common among adults and children. Several possible etiologies have been associated with crooked teeth. Some of them include:

  • Genetics: Crooked teeth run in families. So, you may also have crowded or misaligned teeth if either of your parents did. An underbite or overbite can also run in families.
  • Poor Mouth Hygiene: Gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease, can develop in those who do not maintain adequate dental hygiene. Dental experts suggest that periodontitis can develop from gingivitis if not managed, as teeth might become loose, move, or even fall out if this gum disease is untreated. Also, poor dental hygiene causes bad breath, negatively impacting one’s confidence and smile.
  • Jaw Size: Nowadays, people eat many prepared, soft foods that don’t need as much chewing as our ancestors. Scientists believe this change has made our jaws smaller, making it more likely for modern humans to have crowded or misaligned teeth.
  • Malocclusion: Misaligned teeth, or malocclusion, occur when one or both jaws are smaller than normal. Misaligned jaws cause issues, including overbite and underbite. Typically, the top teeth protrude over the lower teeth in an overbite. In contrast, the lower set of teeth protrudes over the upper teeth in an underbite.
  • Poor myofunctional behaviors: Thumb sucking, using a pacifier or bottle, thrusting the tongue, or breathing through the mouth are all examples of myofunctional habits that impact the facial muscles and their function and cause crooked teeth.
  • Malnutrition: Poor nutrition, particularly in kids, can contribute to tooth decay, bad breath, and poor dental growth, which are possible contributors to crooked teeth
  • Facial Trauma: Facial injury can cause misaligned teeth or bites, especially during childhood. This is because the jaw has shifted slightly from its initial position, causing the teeth to grow misaligned. Tooth loss can happen because of facial injury. When a jaw has a vacant area, the remainder of the teeth tend to shift to fill it.

What Are The Complications Associated With Crooked Teeth?

Although crooked can be harmless in some situations, it is typically the source of many problems. Misaligned teeth, for example, may cause bad breath, impair your eating ability and cause pain when you chew. Furthermore, some people may be so self-conscious about their imperfect teeth that they stop smiling or interacting with friends, impacting their quality of life.

Let us discuss some of the problems caused by crooked teeth further. They include:

  • Periodontal disease: When your teeth are crooked, it can be hard to clean between them. It could lead to cavities, bad breath, and gum disease. Not taking care of gum disease can worsen it and cause periodontitis, a much worse problem that can hurt bones and teeth.
  • Halitosis (Bad breath): Bad breath is a significant concern for individuals with crooked teeth. Because of their teeth’ misalignment, it is easy for food to get stuck in between. Naturally, the normal bacteria in the mouth act on the stuck food, eventually causing bad breath and other sequelae.
  • Difficult Chewing: Crooked Teeth can also make it difficult to chew food properly, increasing the risk of digestive issues.
  • Tooth Erosion: Crooked teeth can also result in substantial wear and tear on the teeth and jaw muscles, leading to fractured teeth, jaw strain, temporomandibular joint disease, and migraines.
  • Speech Problems: One of the major problems associated with crooked teeth is speech difficulty. People with misaligned teeth may find it challenging to pronounce a few words.
  • Poor Self-Confidence: Because our smiles reflect who we are, it’s no surprise that people with crooked or misaligned teeth often struggle with low self-esteem. In addition, bad breath or discoloured teeth are unpleasant consequences of crooked teeth that can lead to social embarrassment.

How To Fix Crooked Teeth 

If you have decided to fix your teeth, you can discuss the treatment with your dentist and which is best for you. Here are some of the treatment modalities for crooked teeth.

  • Braces: Braces are orthodontic devices of brackets, bands, and wires. They exert steady pressure on the jaw for an extended time, forcing it to respond to the pressure in a certain direction and shift into the desired position. Metal braces and ceramic braces are examples of major braces available. 
  • Invisalign/Invisible braces: Invisalign is popular among adults because of its discreetness. The treatment involves custom-made, clear, or transparent trays that fit over your teeth. Your orthodontist will make multiple moulds, and you must move from one mould to another until your teeth reach the correct position.
  • Teeth Straightening Surgery: Another alternative is surgically straightening your teeth. Teeth straightening surgery can help shorten the period required to wear braces. Surgical procedures for straightening teeth are another option. They may lessen the amount of time you need to wear braces. If you choose to have surgery, our orthodontist at Dentspa may recommend a minor operation to realign the gums and jaw bones. Our dental team may also suggest a more invasive operation to straighten your jaw. This procedure is called orthognathic surgery, and it may be recommended if your teeth hamper your ability to talk or chew.

Why You Should Fix Your Teeth At Dentspa, Turkey

Choosing where to fix your teeth is critical. Dentspa stands out as a top option for many convincing reasons:

  • Experienced and Qualified Team: Our dental professionals are highly skilled with doctorates and actively contribute to academia in government teaching hospitals and universities, ensuring you receive care from some of the best in the field.
  • Unrivaled Expertise: The collaborative approach of our dentists, oral surgeons, periodontists, and prosthodontists means every case is meticulously planned, promising both functional and aesthetic excellence.
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: We’re committed to the highest standards, promising your new smile will meet and exceed your expectations.
  • Special Offer: We believe everyone deserves to feel confident about their smile. That’s why we’re proud to offer cost-effective prices without compromising quality.

Would you like to speak with one of our specialists about booking a trip to Türkiye with Dentspa? To reach us, please click here.

FAQs: Crooked Teeth

What causes crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth can result from several factors, including genetics, overcrowding, thumb-sucking during childhood, early loss of baby teeth, or facial injuries.

Can Crooked Teeth Be Fixed Without Braces?

Yes, It can. It depends on the severity of misalignment and other factors. Alternative treatments like clear aligners (e.g., Invisalign), retainers, or surgery are viable options. However, braces are often effective in most cases.

How Much Time Does It Take To Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Teeth straightening might take anywhere from 6 to 24 months, depending on the complexity of your teeth alignment. Furthermore, your orthodontist may recommend wearing retainers to prevent teeth from returning to their former position after braces or Invisalign treatment. Retainers are normally worn every day for many hours for six months.

Is It Okay That I Have Crooked Teeth?

Crooked or misaligned teeth are rather frequent in both children and adults. Many people prefer not to get their teeth straightened if they do not have low self-esteem. However, if your crooked teeth condition is severe and affecting your overall health, an orthodontic appointment can help you.

Are Crooked Teeth Only An Aesthetic Problem? 

While crooked teeth can affect appearance, they can also contribute to dental problems such as difficulty cleaning between teeth, increased risk of cavities, bad breath, and issues with the bite.

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