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Discover Teeth Whitening In Turkey

Turkey has developed recently as a haven for visitors seeking a brilliant smile and an exquisite experience. Dental tourism is rising, with visitors flocking to this Eurasian jewel seeking high-quality and affordable dental care. Among the many procedures available, teeth whitening is popular. Professional teeth whitening in Turkey gives you an alluring combination of top-quality dental care, stunning scenery, and significant cost savings. This article will discuss this brilliant dental procedure, its cost, and its benefits. Let us get started!

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening refers to various procedures to brighten and whiten a person’s natural teeth. These procedures range from at-home methods like sanding down stains and using over-the-counter kits to professional techniques like bleaching, and ultraviolet (UV) light/laser tooth whitening.

What’s Different About Professional vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening?

It is reasonable to wonder why people spend money on dental appointments when they could get over-the-counter teeth whitening products. The primary reason is that professional teeth whitening, also known as chairside whitening, is far more effective. Over-the-counter whitening products typically contain low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (a bleaching agent). These at-home products won’t hurt your gums but won’t do much to whiten your teeth. 

In contrast, dentists can use significantly greater concentrations of bleaching agents to whiten teeth. Also, sophisticated techniques like laser teeth whitening can remove tough stains.

Am I A Candidate For Teeth Whitening? 

Do you want a brighter and more attractive smile? Do you have tough stains on your teeth that you can’t seem to get rid of? If this describes you, you are an excellent candidate for professional teeth whitening.

Knowing that our teeth aren’t always as white as the ads would have you believe is vital. Some tooth discoloration is normal; human teeth typically get yellower as one age. Some people, however, may have extreme yellowing, which surface stains or deep teeth stains can cause. 

Typically, surface stains on teeth are caused by beverages and foods, including coffee, tea, and wine. Smoking can discolor the surface of the teeth. Surface stains come off relatively quickly with tooth whitening procedures. In contrast, stains under the teeth’s surface are more challenging to remove and require professional teeth whitening. These internal stains can be caused by certain medications like antibiotics or by microscopic fissures in the teeth that absorb stains.

The Professional Teeth Whitening Procedure

Typically, professional teeth whitening is a multi-step process. The first step usually involves scheduling a full dentist consultation. This initial meeting is vital to a successful outcome. On your visit to Dentspa, Turkey, our dentist will examine your teeth and oral health thoroughly, including looking for signs of gum disease. This assessment is critical in choosing the best teeth whitening procedures and solutions for your unique needs, assuring both efficacy and safety. 

After the assessment, your teeth whitening process can begin. First, your dentist will clean your teeth, removing tartar and any visible discoloration. Afterward, a rubber cap will be placed over your gums to prevent the whitening ingredients from harming them. Then, the active whitening solution will be delicately applied to your teeth to penetrate the enamel and lighten the shade.

Suppose you are having a laser teeth whitening procedure. After applying a whitening agent, your dentist will direct the laser or light appliance to your teeth. After the whitening process, you will rinse your mouth, and your dentist may apply fluoride to your teeth to help prevent tooth sensitivity. Although it is possible for you to feel some sensitivity or gum soreness after this treatment, this should pass in a few days. You can be confident that our dentists in Dentspa will help you through your recovery period.

Why You Should Have Your Teeth Whitening At Dentspa, Turkey

Choosing where to have your teeth whitening teeth is critical. Dentspa stands out as a top option for many convincing reasons:

  • Experienced and Qualified Team: Our dental professionals are highly skilled with doctorates and actively contribute to academia in government teaching hospitals and universities, ensuring you receive care from some of the best in the field.
  • Unrivaled Expertise: The collaborative approach of our dentists, oral surgeons, periodontists, and prosthodontists means every case is meticulously planned, promising both functional and aesthetic excellence.
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: We’re committed to the highest standards, promising your new smile will meet and exceed your expectations.
  • Special Offer: We believe everyone deserves to feel confident about their smile. That’s why we’re proud to offer cost-effective prices without compromising quality.

Would you like to chat with one of our specialists about scheduling a trip to Turkey for teeth whitening with Dentspa? Please use this attached link to contact us

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

Professional teeth whitening typically involves the application of a bleaching substance to the teeth, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. This substance dissolves spots on the enamel, giving it a whiter appearance.

Is Professional Teeth Whitening Safe?

Yes, teeth whitening at Dentspa is safe. Our dentists will take necessary precautions to protect your gums and other oral tissues during and after the procedure.

How Long Does A Teeth Whitening Session Take? 

A teeth whitening session may last from 1 to 2 hours. However, some cases may involve multiple sessions.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost In Turkey Compared To The UK And US?

Professional teeth whitening in Turkey often costs between $150 and $400. The location of the clinic inside Turkey, the experience of the chosen dentist, and the technique to be employed are all factors that can impact the actual pricing. Teeth whitening in Istanbul is still substantially less expensive than equivalent treatments in the United Kingdom, the United States, and other European countries, where treatment costs as much as $1,000. Turkey is an EU member, which implies that even while clinical expenses are low, the quality of care is excellent.

Location Cost Range
United Kingdom Up to £1,000
United States Up to $1,000

How Long Does the Result Of Professional Teeth Whitening Last?

Results can last anywhere from a few months to a few years, based on how well you care for your teeth and gums and your lifestyle choices. Periodic touch-ups or care that can be done at home may be suggested.

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