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Discover Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental implants are prosthetic substitutes for the tooth’s natural root. Typically, these roots are made of biocompatible materials like titanium. They serve as a solid anchor for replacement teeth, whether a single tooth, a group of teeth, or a whole set of dentures.

Dental implant surgery involves a dental surgeon affixing a synthetic tooth root into the jawbone and anchoring a replacement tooth or crown to the implant via an abutment. Suppose you are worried about a tooth problem or desire tooth replacement. In that case, dental implants in Turkey can make your dreams come true.

What You Should Know About Dental Implants in Turkey

Over the past several years, Turkiye has made significant investments in the expansion of its medical tourism industry, with dental care serving as one of the sector’s primary focuses. As a result, Turkiye has emerged as a leader in dental tourism thanks to the country’s proliferation of cutting-edge dental facilities, seasoned dental specialists, and robust healthcare legislation. 

Aside from its robust healthcare industry, Turkiye is also known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and delicious cuisine, promising a wholesome experience when you choose to have your dental implants in Turkey.

What Dental Implant Surgery Offers You

Have you lost a tooth and want to restore the heart-melting smile you once had? You are in luck! Dental implant surgery at Dentspa can help you attain your desires. Here are some of the benefits dental implants in Turkey can offer you.;

  • ideal as a replacement for a single tooth or a whole arch of teeth when conventional methods, such as dentures and bridges, fail.
  • They are an excellent remedy when missing tooth roots make conventional dentures or bridges impossible.
  • They are ideal for complete oral rehabilitation for individuals who have lost all their teeth.
  • Dental implants feel and look more like regular teeth compared to other dental prosthetics.
  • They are long-lasting so that you can maintain a gorgeous smile for years without worry. 
  • They increase chewing efficiency.
  • Also, dental implants don’t need to be removed every night for cleaning.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are you missing a tooth, and you want to regain your beautiful smile? You are an ideal candidate for an implant. However, before you get a dental implant in turkey at Dentspa, our surgeons will ensure you meet specific requirements for a successful outcome. They include;

  • You should be in good enough physical condition to have the dental implant surgery.
  • You shouldn’t have health problems that might impair the procedure’s outcome. Health conditions like active cancers, clotting disorders, poorly controlled diabetes, etc, can affect the result of the process.
  • Additionally, patients need a fully developed jawbone to be candidates for dental implants, as there should be enough bone to anchor the implant successfully.

The Dental Implant Surgery Procedure

Typically, the dental implant procedure is in three stages. They include;

  • The preparatory stage
  • The surgery
  • The post-surgery stage

The Preparatory stage: Before you have the definitive surgery, our dental surgery team (including dental surgeons, periodontists, and prosthodontists) will discuss your problems and goals and fashion a treatment plan tailored to your unique condition and implant type. Our surgeons will then evaluate you for dental implants in Turkey. A series of medical tests and radiological investigations (dental radiographs and three-dimensional mouth images) will be performed to ensure that you are in perfect shape for the therapy.

The Surgery

The procedure can either be a single-staged or 2-staged surgery. Both techniques involve implant placement, followed by crown fixation.

Immediately before the surgery starts, our surgeons will administer anesthetic agents to you to make the process pain-free and comfortable for you. Afterward, the gingival tissue will be opened up and flapped. After that, the surgeons will drill holes in the jaw using cutting-edge equipment and affix the implant; the gingival flaps are sutured to cover the implant. For a single-staged surgery, the crown can be attached to the implant almost immediately via an abutment device. In contrast, for the two-staged process, the crown placement process is done after a few months. 


After the implant has been placed, the bone must heal around it, a process called osseointegration. This process typically takes a few months. Meanwhile, in the immediate recovery process, our dental team at Dentspa will give you medication to ease pain and instruct you on how to care for your teeth till you fully recuperate. Rest assured, our periodontists will collaborate and be with you throughout your recovery process.

What Implant brands do we offer at Dentspa?

An implant surgery is only as good as the implant used. That is why at Dentspa, we use top-notch implants with impeccable quality. Here are some of the dental implants available at Dentspa:

  • Straumann Implants: These brilliant implants are made by a leading Swiss dental product company (the Straumann group). Straumann implants are renowned worldwide for their top quality and durability.
  • Nobel Biocare: These implants are manufactured by another Swiss multinational dental equipment company. They supply several elite dental clinics with cutting-edge equipment and prosthetics.
  • ICX implants: These brilliant implants are part of the products marketed by Medentis Medical, a top medical supply company based in Germany.
  • Bilimplants: These dental implant systems are manufactured by Bilimplant company, a top Turkiye dental supply firm.

Why DentSpa?

Choosing where to receive dental implant treatment is crucial, and DentSpa stands out as a premier option for several compelling reasons:

  • Experienced and Qualified Team: Our dental professionals are not only highly skilled with doctorates but also actively contribute to academia in government teaching hospitals and universities, ensuring you receive care from some of the best in the field.
  • Unrivaled Expertise: The collaborative approach of our oral surgeons, periodontist, and prosthodontist means every case is meticulously planned, promising both functional and aesthetic excellence in the resulting implant-supported teeth.
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: We’re committed to the highest standards, promising that your new implants will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods and converse with ease, with aesthetic outcomes that will exceed your expectations.
  • Special Offer: We believe everyone deserves to feel confident about their smile. That’s why we’re proud to offer competitive rates without compromising on quality, with the cost varying according to the brand of implants and the type of prosthetic chosen.

At DentSpa, we use only the most sophisticated equipment, and internationally recognized result yielding solutions to give our patients the care that they deserve. Book your appointment to experience the difference today!

FAQs: Dental Implants in Turkey

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are designed to be permanent. This is because they integrate with the jawbone directly, forming a solid bone-to-bone link. Even while the implant is meant to last a lifetime, the crown placed on top of it may need to be changed after 10 to 20 years of use.

How long is the implant treatment period?

This depends on the technique used for your dental implant procedure. For the single-stage method, the treatment period typically lasts 1-2 weeks. The two-stage approach allows full implant integration into the jaw bone before crown placement, so the treatment lasts a few months.

What is the cost of dental implant surgery?

The cost of the implants depends on the technique used and the quality of the prosthetics. At Dentspa, we offer the best quality implants at cost-effective prices.

How do I care for my dental implants?

Taking care of dental implants is comparable to caring for regular teeth. Don’t worry; our dental team will explain all you need to do to care for dental implants appropriately. Some things you will need include regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups.

Can I eat and chew normally with dental implants?

Yes, you can eat and drink your regular diet comfortably with dental implants. You won’t have dietary restrictions that are often associated with removable dentures.

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